Have you ever applied online for a job you thought you were perfect for, only to never hear back from the employer? Your resume may have been kicked out of... read more →
I am a recruiter. I read CV’s for living. I love my job, and enjoy doing it for many years now. I have seen the good and the bad when... read more →
[fullwidth_text alt_background="none" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [list type="arrow"] [list_item]What have you done? - work experience[/list_item] [list_item]What you are good at? - achievements[/list_item] [list_item]What are you looking for?[/list_item] [/list] If you fail... read more →
Imagine your Resume as a label on a most expensive top shelf placed product on high street. Your Resume needs to sell you, in front of all the other thousands... read more →
A Resume or a CV in essence is your short story about your success. It is 100% biased. It is written by you about you. You can choose what you... read more →
How to write a CV is surely the most covered recruitment advice topic. Every single recruiter in the world will have more or less strong opinion on how you should... read more →